Now That's What I Call Music!

Dear Reader –

Teenage Theme Night #24 took place last weekend, and it was a joy from start to finish.

*All hyperlinks in bold.

The Big Thing

The themes that the teenagers choose are always very different to those featured on the adult theme nights. They are far more broad, for one. Usually quite quirky too. The title of this email was the theme this time, and it sums up the whole weekend really.

All going well the next one will be early in 2022, and the theme has already been chosen. Another broad one - songs with a question in the title. So I’m looking forward to playing songs like Do You Want Your Auld Lobby Washed Down? and Who Let The Dogs Out?

You can read more about the Teenage Theme Nights here, and if you or someone you know would like to get involved in these nights, send an email to You don’t have to have had any previous musical experience. More about these shows below.


Where else but Sligo?

These shows are all about the music, yet they’re also not. Here are 10 of my favourite things about last weekend.

  1. Seeing many of these teenagers finally getting to experience what a live show is all about.

  2. The awareness of each and every performer about the precariousness of these events at the moment, and their commitment to doing things safely and adhering to protocols.

  3. The buzz of a full house.

  4. Seeing 6 5th Yr lads from Summerhill put a band together from scratch and go for it on Stacy’s Mom. We’re always crying out for more lads to get involved in these nights - so well done John Mackey for putting this crew together.

  5. The support from the audience for every single performer.

  6. Getting called out by Jersey Gaffey! When she came out, I mistakenly thought that she was in TY and made a long speech about the importance of attracting more TYs to the shows. Jersey politely waited until I had finished talking and matter-of-factly said ‘Actually Kieran I’m in 5th Year’.

  7. A brief meeting with one father in the foyer afterwards. He said nothing, but the clenched fists and look of sheer pride on his face said it all.

  8. Watching the emcees grow into their roles as each night progressed.

  9. Being in Sam Purcell’s band.

  10. Due to knowing their parents, and seeing them perform in various guises over the years, I have been aware of Senna and Freya for a long time. It has been obvious since they were young(er) that performances like this were in them. It was so special to see it happen live on stage on Friday. Thanks to Dad Carl Brennan for the video.


What’s New?

  1. I am currently finalising my piano teaching timetable for January. A small number of slots are available for students aged 7-18. Send an email to if you or someone you know might be interested.

  2. Two more performances from the weekend’s shows here - Cara (TY) and Orla (5th Yr).

  3. I’m looking forward to being a guest on The Sligo Show tonight (Tuesday). We’ll be chatting a bit about the Theme Night Album, but I have just read the list of questions and it looks like we’ll be talking about a lot more too! It’s live on Facebook at 8pm.


We did this arrangement of Bohemian Rhapsody at the weekend. I don’t have a video of the performance, so the original will have to do. Take a minute - it’s special.


Till next time - Kieran.