Dear Reader –
A story today of how values get taught from one musician to another…
**All hyperlinks in bold.
The Big Thing
The big news last week was that January’s Theme Night #31 had sold out.
And while it has never been the aim of the theme nights to run for as many shows as possible, I do feel it’s right this time to do a fourth show.
Mainly for you guys - the audience - I heard from many of you in the last week who hadn’t managed to get tickets yet. But it will also mean more performers can get involved, and that we can try a few new and exciting things we have been planning for a while.
And it will be January! The last January theme night we did was Theme Night #14 in 2016 and I remember lots of people telling me then that we should have a theme night every January as it gives performers and audience alike something to which they can look forward in an otherwise quiet month.
So here are the new details…
Theme Night #31 - Stories in Song.
Hawk’s Well Theatre - Jan 18-21 2023.
Tickets for extra date (Jan 18) go on sale next Wed Dec 7 at 10am.
Where else but Sligo?
One of my favourite things about playing with Seamie on Mondays is to ask him where he was playing over the weekend. He could be with anyone anywhere - elsewhere in Ireland, the UK, Europe or sometimes even further afield. He didn’t quite make it back from wherever he was in time this week so Gerry Grennan filled in for last night’s Bree’s session.
And we had a ball! It had been a while since we had done a gig together as just a duo and we certainly won’t leave it as long again.
Gerry is a generous soul. I hear regularly from parents about the great way he has with their children in lessons. Unlike many in Sligo, I never had formal lessons from him. However that doesn’t mean I haven’t learned loads from him along the way. It was Gerry back in 2011 who ignited my love for improvising, and ever since I have tried to learn from the great values he exhibits during gigs - work hard, appreciate your audience and give everyone their time to shine.
He comes from that tradition of passing songs around among the group. Everyone gets a go, but is expected to be able to lead a song. He knows his chords, knows his words and he’ll politely say no if he doesn’t know a song!
Oh and he’ll be in the Theme Night band with us in January - that will be fun!
What’s New?
KEN ROHT joined our Theme Night choir for the first time last month. Now he and Dave Flynn have collaborated on a wonderfully witty and wacky Christmas song and are shooting a video for it this Sunday. They need some 15-25 year-old actors/singers to take part. Email if you’re interested.
RED ÓG: Malachy Clerkin of The Irish Times wrote this about Red Óg Murphy - the young Sligo footballer who died by suicide last April. One of the best things I have read in a while. His parents sound like amazing people.
STARTING NOW: Regular readers will recognise the first picture. Two weeks on and the leaves are gone. Two weeks from now and it’s Dec 13. Two more weeks and Christmas is over and we’re nearly into 2023. But you don’t have to wait until then to start…
This is one of Gerry’s staples on a gig. One enthusiastic audience member told us last night that ours was the best version he had ever heard. And it’s not that we don’t believe you but this one’s pretty good too!
Till next time - Kieran.