Four Thousand Weeks — Kieran Quinn

Four Thousand Weeks

Dear Reader –

A nice round number to put on our average lifespan. And we’re starting into another 52…let’s make the most of them!

**All hyperlinks in bold.

The Big Thing

It’s January - so that means the start of a new teaching term - and a brand new beauty of a digital piano (see below) is ready to get out of its box and help all our fantastic students sound better this year!

Regular readers of this letter will be familiar with my teaching philosophy, but if you’re new to these pages, you can read about it here.

We run classes in Strandhill and Rathcormac and cater for students of all ages, including tailored classes for adults. Or if it’s performing in which you’re interested, why not try our music club?

There are a few new slots available this term - if you or someone you know is interested please get in touch and I’ll tell you more.


Where else but Sligo?

Theme Night #31 is all about Stories and the songs that tell them best, so to get you all in the mood, over the next couple of weeks I’m going to tell you some good ones about some of our special guests on this show.

Here’s Story No. 1…keep an eye on my social media for the rest…

Sundays are long days in Panto land. A matinee followed by an evening show with possibly two hours in between to change and get a bite to eat. These days, much-loved panto-dame Brian Devaney doesn’t leave the theatre between shows – his costumes and make-up are so elaborate that it wouldn’t be worth his while – so he gets his grub delivered to the changing room and takes some time to himself.

There was a time he did however, and it was one such Sunday in the Ark Bar during my first panto in 2006 that he took me aside and gave me some advice that I still remember. West Ham were beating Man Utd on TV and Scruffy Duffy was rocking a Christmas party in the adjoining room. There was some food laid on for the cast and crew and before we went back to the theatre Brian asked could he have a quick word with me. We went outside into the cold and he paid me a lovely compliment that I still treasure today. However it is the words with which he prefaced them that stuck with me. “Kieran”, he said, “I have long believed that if you have something nice to say to someone you should say it. And say it as soon as you can”. A simple but inspiring message and one that I have tried to live by since.

It makes me extremely happy that Brian is joining us on stage for Theme Night #31 (Wed 18th-Sat 21st Jan). He’ll be with us for the Wednesday show and will tell us the story of an unlikely reconciliation between a father and son. The shows are mostly sold out but there are still some tickets available here.


What’s New?

  1. VIDEO SHOOT: My friends at TemperHound Productions are shooting a special video for the aforementioned Theme Night #31 and they need two volunteers. Preferably people in their 20s/30s and availability on Sunday 15th Jan would be preferable but not essential. Singing or acting experience not necessary. Get in touch if you’re interested.

  2. PELE DID IT FIRST: No need to explain the concept of this short video - just watch it.

  3. 2023: Well it’s new, isn’t it?! Here’s my favourite non-fiction read of 2022 - it might be relevant to anyone looking to reflect on their life as we head for another spin…


Usually I’d be reluctant to share any songs from an upcoming Theme Night set, but a) this version is beautiful and b) what we do with it on this show is going to surprise you even if you know the song is coming…


Till next time - Kieran.