Dear Reader -
Delighted to present our first Theme Nights release of 2025 - and as @thehuntersburrow7453 commented on YouTube last night - 'I feel like I've found some secret treasure'.
The Big Thing
You may have seen on my social media that next week’s Theme Night #36 is going to be the only Sligo Theme Night of 2025.
The short explanation is that I feel in order for the shows to endure, I need a bit of time to reflect and think to ensure they stay fresh and exciting for all involved.
You can catch further thoughts on this on my Facebook or Instagram.
The focus can now turn fully to next week’s shows however, and wow have we something amazing lined up for you all.
Possibly the most personal Theme Night so far - and that scares me!
Some of my favourite songs being sung by some of my favourite singers.
Brand new music being premiered.
One of our strongest ever teenage sections.
And for the first time in 36 Theme Nights, we’re employing shock tactics - wait till you see our opening!
Tickets still available for Wednesday night Feb 5th.
The only Sligo Theme Night of 2025 - please join us!
Get them here before they’re gone.
Where else but Sligo?
I sometimes feel that I'm always telling you about how great this show or that show was. And that you must be thinking 'ah they can't all be that good'!
But it's a sign that things are going well I guess, because I genuinely do get a buzz from them all.
And also Sunday night WAS amazing,
Our biggest Young Songwriters' Showcase yet. 19 brand new songs. Evidence that our Theme Night Academy programme is working - Steve Wickham gave a fantastic masterclass in November on songwriting and he was in inspirational form that night.
Plus it was our first time in the Hawk’s Well Theatre - and I just loved seeing all the teenagers up there on that stage performing their own music. And once soundchecks were over they basically ran the show themselves. Blaine Heekin and Mimi Lee keeping the show moving like pros. Even when the unexpected arose.
And the standard of the songs was so high. Rory Maitland and Luke Devaney left really excited about so many possibilities for recording songs and videos with this bunch. Plus the sense of community and friendship among this group would do your heart good.
More to come in these pages…
What’s New?
THEME NIGHT ACADEMY LAUNCH: A big week for us in the Theme Night Academy. Last Sunday you read about above, Thursday sees our 4th Open Mic of the year, and on Wednesday we officially launch the Academy with the help of special guest Shane Filan. More in next week’s letter.
DOLLY PARTON ON POINT AGAIN: “I make a point to appreciate all the little things in my life, because I learned early that if you don’t, you get disappointed a lot. If you do, you might be pleasantly surprised quite often.
I go out and smell the air after a good, hard rain. I re-read passages from my favorite books. I hold the little treasures that somebody special gave me. By keeping my eyes open for unexpected joys, I find the world gives back more than we sometimes think.”
COOLERA LIPSYNC FUNDRAISER: What a night! Surpassed all expectations. Would recommend it to anyone looking to raise a few quid.
Nice spending it in the company of Lauren and Brian too.
One of ‘Kieran’s choices’ for next week…
Till next time - Kieran.