Funk folk and film…

Dear Reader - lots of music recommendations for you today. As per today’s title.
But first…

The Big Thing

It was lovely to meet parents and students for the first time in Wesley House in Dublin on Sunday. You never know what you’re going to get when you walk into a room of children, and this day was no different.

  • Firstly these children got to play their concert pieces on a Yamaha baby grand piano - how great is that!

  • One of our younger students got the biggest cheer of the day when she finished her piece and took an unprompted yet elegant and theatrical bow.

  • Teacher Paddy Keyes was universally described as ‘cool’ by parents and students alike! Check out his recently released debut EP here.

  • Finally - I loved this answer. In the workshop that preceded the concert I had a chat with the students about practising. I asked students to tell me what worked for them regarding their practice. One boy simply said '“I find it easy to practise because I just love playing the piano”.


Where else but Sligo?

Sometimes music will say it better than words ever can.


What’s New?

  1. SANGAH NOONA - IL POSTINO: Just beautiful. Listen here.

  2. STEPHANIE RAINEY AND PADDY KEYES: Coming to the Hawk’s Well later this month. Stephanie was our Saturday Visiting Artist on Theme Night #35 last October and you guys loved her. Tickets here.




What a clever (and funky!) arrangement…no doubt Elton would approve!


Till next time - Kieran.