Big smiley heads! — Kieran Quinn

Big smiley heads!

Dear Reader –

Aileen Concannon was one of our guests on last Thursday’s first Theme Nights Unplugged gig. I met her again yesterday and after having watched the below video she asked me ‘Why was I smiling so much’?
It was just that kind of night I guess…


The Big Thing

But first - after more than FIVE years - we are finally returning to Vicar St.
Thursday May 16 2024 is the date for Theme Night #34 and tickets will go on sale next week.

All you need to know in next week’s letter, including details of VIP packages and chartered buses to the event.
Let the countdown begin!


Where else but Sligo?

Back to last Thursday briefly though - Aileen wasn’t the only one smiling - look at Niamh Crowley below!

And as Luke Devaney lead out on the last tune of the night for us I spotted his Dad Adrian watching him with one of those contented looks on his face that only a proud father can wear.

It was a lovely night. It’s a great room upstairs in Lillies - it was magic to get to play some of the music we have performed at Theme Nights over the years but in a looser fashion. And while I’m well used to playing with Seamie and Luke in that type of gig, it’s not something I have done too much with either Aileen or Niamh. Aileen was in great form all night - and I absolutely love Niamh’s improvising on Dirty Old Town above.

Outside of the music I found it really interesting too - I noticed myself addressing the audience as if I was in the Hawk’s Well - maybe a slightly more informal approach might work better in December - but hey one step at a time I guess.

Speaking of December - we’re releasing a small number of tickets for those two shows at 6pm this evening. Click here for Wednesday 20th and here for Thursday 21st. Two brand-new line-ups too - see links for details.

Pics from the night by Sam Elliott.


What’s New?

  1. COOLERA CHRISTMAS PANTO: Dick Whittington, his cat Tommy and all your panto favourites return to the Hawk’s Well stage this week. And while I’m guessing people will presume that tickets are all gone (because they almost always are), for once they aren’t…there are still some available here.

  2. NEW TERM OF PIANO LESSONS: If anyone is interested in signing up for our new term in January, please get in touch. More info here.

  3. PHARRELL DISCOVERS MAGGIE ROGERS: This is so good! It shows Pharrell Williams trying to keep his excitement in as he discovers the music of then NYU music student (and now Grammy-nominated) Maggie Rogers for the first time…



The latest release from Cathy Jordan and the Crankie Island project…


Till next time - Kieran.