We're heading back to Vicar St! — Kieran Quinn

We're heading back to Vicar St!

Dear Reader –

Apologies for the late letter but we wanted to get all the details sorted before sending it out to you. The gig will be officially announced tomorrow but as always you guys get first notice.
It will have been over five years since we were in Vicar St. by the time we get back next May…I really hope you can join us.

We do of course have Theme Night #33 in February first though (Simon and Sting) - hers’s a beautiful arrangement from the pen of Luke Devaney that may just have to feature…


The Big Thing

But now - here all the details you need…

Theme Night #34 - Beginnings.
May 16th 2024 - Vicar St. Dublin.

Tickets on sale next Tuesday 12th Dec at 10am from ticketmaster.ie

Or why not treat someone special to an exclusive experience?


Where else but Sligo?

This blog post tells one of my favourite stories from our 2019 trip to Vicar St. It was published on March 3 2020, 6 weeks before we were due to return. Of course we never did…until now!

The theme really excites me I must say…I loved this quote i heard the other day.
‘And all of a sudden - you know it’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings’.
It sums up the feeling of starting into a new theme night with a blank canvas.

But the word beginnings conjures up so much more…
New performers. Dublin audiences coming to see the show for the first time. Sligo folk heading to see us in Dublin for the first time. Veteran performers reflecting on their beginnings with the theme nights. New songs and arrangements. Our new YouTube channel. Even the importance of the first note of a song. There is so much we can do with this theme and I can’t wait to get stuck in.

Finally, I went to see Theo Katzman in Vicar St in October. And who came around at the end of the night to tell me it was time to go home? You guessed right - one of the men at the centre of the story above! We had a good laugh about it and he’s looking forward to the return of the ‘choir from Sligo’ in May!


What’s New?

  1. CORCRA’s version of This Christmas is out on all streaming platforms now…

  2. MATT HALPIN: This friend of Sligo and regular Sligo Jazz saxophone tutor brings a European seven-piece jazz supergroup to Lillies this Friday at 8pm. More here.

  3. BRENDAN GRAHAM AND CATHY JORDAN: Cathy has been busy! Below is the first single from Brendan Graham’s (You Raise Me Up) new album…



One of the big moments from the 2019 ‘Victor St’ gig…great to hear Georgie in full voice.
And the choir sound amazing!


Till next time - Kieran.